To reconcile bank accounts in Microsoft Dynamics NAV to statements received from the bank, you must first create a bank account reconciliation by filling in the lines in the Bank Acc. Reconciliation window.

You can enter the bank statements on the lines in the following ways:

To fill in bank reconciliations

  1. In the Search box, enter Bank Account Reconciliation, and then choose the related link.

  2. Create a new bank account reconciliation.

  3. In the Bank Account No. field, select the correct bank account code. The Statement No. and the Balance Last Statement fields are filled in automatically based on the information on the bank account card.

  4. In the Statement Date field, enter the date of the statement from the bank.

  5. In the Statement Ending Balance field, enter the balance from the bank’s statement.

    If you have a file that has the current bank statement, proceed to fill the lines automatically.

  6. On the Actions tab, in the Functions group, choose Import Bank Statement.

  7. Locate the file, and then choose Open to import the bank transactions into the lines of the Bank Acc. Reconciliation window.

    The format of the file is specified in the Bank Statement Format field in the Bank Account Card window.

    If you do not have a file with the bank statement, then proceed to fill the lines with suggested entries and then manually check and adjust any differences from the actual bank statement.

  8. On the Actions tab, in the Functions group, choose Suggest Lines.

  9. In the Starting Date field, enter the starting posting date for the ledger entries to be reconciled. In the Ending Date field, enter the ending date for these ledger entries.

  10. If you want to suggest check ledger entries instead of bank account ledger entries, select the Include Checks field.

  11. Choose the OK button to generate the lines based on expected payments for outstanding invoices.

To complete the reconciliation, you must correct the lines and match the entries, if necessary, and post the reconciliation.

For more information about completing reconciliations, see How to: Correct Bank Reconciliation Lines, How to: Match Bank Statement Lines with Bank Account Ledger Entries, and How to: Post Bank Reconciliations.


See Also