You can print a report that uses different paper trays to print different letterheads. You can programmatically achieve this by adding the GetPaperTrayForReport procedure in codeunit 1 Application Management to set the paper tray from C/AL code. This is a procedure that you must add yourself if you need it. This gives you runtime control over paper tray selection for first, last, and default pages in all reports. When a report is run, the GetPaperTrayForReport procedure is called automatically to determine which paper trays should be used. If the GetPaperTrayForReport procedure is absent, then the report uses the PaperSourceFirstPage, PaperSourceDefaultPage,and PaperSourceLastPage properties that are set on the report.
To add the GetPaperTrayForReport procedure in codeunit 1
In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment, on the Tools menu, choose Object Designer.
In Object Designer, choose Codeunit, and then choose codeunit 1 Application Management.
Add a new procedure, which has ID 75 in codeunit 1. The following code example shows how the GetPaperTrayForReport procedure can be used to set paper tray in report 110.
Copy Code
PROCEDURE GetPaperTrayForReport@75(ReportID@1000 : Integer; VAR FirstPage@1001 : Integer; VAR DefaultPage@1002 : Integer; VAR LastPage@1003 : Integer) BEGIN IF ReportID = 110 THEN BEGIN FirstPage := 1; DefaultPage := 2; LastPage := 3; END; END;
The following table describes the procedure parameters.
Parameter Description ReportID
The ID of the report that is currently running.
A reference value that returns the integer value of the paper tray used on the first page. If the value returns 0, then the printer uses the paper tray that is defined in the printer settings.
A reference value that returns the integer value of the paper tray used on the default page. If the value returns 0, then the printer uses the paper tray that is defined in the printer settings.
A reference value that returns the integer value of the paper tray used on the last page. If the value returns 0, then the printer uses the paper tray that is defined in the printer settings.
Save and compile codeunit 1.