Specifies the price for one unit of the item, in LCY. You can enter a price manually or have it entered according to the Price/Profit Calculation field.
You can fill the Unit Price field in three ways:
Fill it in and have the program calculate the profit percentage, as follows:
Select the Profit = Price - Cost method in the Price/Profit Calculation field and enter a value in the Unit Price field.
The program will calculate the profit percentage automatically and enter it in the Profit % field.
Select the Profit = Price - Cost method in the Price/Profit Calculation field and enter a value in the Unit Price field.
Enter the profit percentage and have the program calculate the unit price, as follows:
Select the Price = Cost + Profit method in the Price/Profit Calculation field and enter a value in the Profit % field.
The program will now calculate the unit price for the item and enter it in the Unit Price field.
Select the Price = Cost + Profit method in the Price/Profit Calculation field and enter a value in the Profit % field.
Specify that there will be no automatic calculation, as follows:
Select the No Relationship method in the Price/Profit Calculation field. Then enter a value in the Profit % field and a value in the Unit Price field.
Select the No Relationship method in the Price/Profit Calculation field. Then enter a value in the Profit % field and a value in the Unit Price field.
You can also set up alternative unit prices on the item card in the Item Prices window. The alternative unit prices can depend on currency, date and customer price group.
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For more information about how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For more information about how to find specific pages, see Search. |