The following are some example scenarios showing the expected tolerance calculations and postings occurring in different situations. The examples are limited to being only those scenarios that result in all entries in the application being closed.
G/L Setup Contains:
Payment Discount Grace Period 5D
Max Payment Tolerance 5
For those scenarios with alternative A or B, these represent the following:
A In this case the Payment Discount Tolerance Warning has been turned off OR the user has the warning on and has selected to allow the late payment discount (Post as Tolerance) in any invoice.
B In this case, the user has the warning on and has selected not to allow the late payment discount on any invoice.
C - In this case, the user has the warning on and has selected to allow the late payment discount on the first invoice but not the second.
D - In this case, the user has the warning on and has selected not to allow the late payment discount on the first invoice but allowed it on the second.
— | Inv. | Pmt Disc. | Max Pmt. Tol. | Pmt. Disc. Date | Pmt. Disc. Tol. Date | Payment Date | Pmt | Tolerance Type | All Entries closed | Pmt. Disc. Tol. GL/CL | Pmt. Tol. G/L |
1 | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | <=01/15/03 | 1920 | Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0 0 | -5 |
2 | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | <=01/15/03 | 1910 | None | Yes | 0 0 | 0 |
3 | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | <=01/15/03 | 1900 | Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0 0 | 5 |
4B | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/16/03 01/17/03 | 1980 | Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0 0 | -5 -5 |
5B | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/16/03 01/17/03 | 1970 | None | Yes | 0 0 | 0 0 |
6B | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/16/03 01/17/03 | 1960 | Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0 0 | 5 5 |
7A | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/16/03 01/17/03 | 1920 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. & Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 60/60 0/0 | -5 |
8A | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/16/03 01/17/03 | 1910 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. | Yes | 60/60 0/0 | 0 |
9A | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/16/03 01/17/03 | 1900 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. & Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 60/60 | 5 |
10B | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/18/03 01/20/03 | 2010 | Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0 0 | -5 -5 |
11B | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/18/03 01/20/03 | 2000 | None | Yes | 0 0 | 0 0 |
12B | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/18/03 01/20/03 | 1990 | Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0 0 | 5 5 |
13D | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/18/03 01/20/03 | 1980 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. & Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0/0 30/-30 | -5 |
14D | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/18/03 01/20/03 | 1970 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. | Yes | 0/0 30/-30 | 0 |
15D | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/18/03 01/20/03 | 1960 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. & Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0/0 30/-30 | 5 |
16D | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/18/03 01/20/03 | 1950 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. & Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 60/-60 0/0 | -5 |
17D | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/18/03 01/20/03 | 1940 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. | Yes | 60/-60 0/0 | 0 |
18D | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/18/03 01/20/03 | 1930 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. & Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 60/-60 0/0 | 5 |
19A | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/18/03 01/20/03 | 1920 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. & Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 60/-60 30/-30 | -5 |
20A | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/18/03 01/20/03 | 1910 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. | Yes | 60/-60 30/-30 | 0 |
21A | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/18/03 01/20/03 | 1900 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. & Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 60/-60 30/-30 | 5 |
22B | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/21/03 01/22/03 | 2010 | Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0 0 | -5 -5 |
23B | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/21/03 01/22/03 | 2000 | None | Yes | 0 0 | 0 0 |
24B | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/21/03 01/22/03 | 1990 | Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0 0 | 5 5 |
25A | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/21/03 01/22/03 | 1980 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. & Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0/0 30/30 | -5 |
26A | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/21/03 01/22/03 | 1970 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. | Yes | 0/0 30/30 | 0 |
27A | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | 01/21/03 01/22/03 | 1960 | Pmt.Disc.Tol. & Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0/0 30/30 | 5 |
28 | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | >01/22/03 | 2010 | Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0 | -5 |
29 | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | >01/22/03 | 2000 | None | Yes | 0 | 0 |
30 | 1,000 | 60 | 5 | 01/15/03 | 01/20/03 | >01/22/03 | 1990 | Pmt.Tol. | Yes | 0 | 5 |
Payment Range Diagrams
In relation to the scenario above, the diagrams of payment ranges are as follows:
(1) Payment Date <=01/15/03 (Scenarios 1-3)
Remaining Amount per
Normal Application Rules

(1) If payment falls in these ranges, all application entries can be closed with or without tolerance.
(2) If payment falls in these ranges, all application entries cannot be closed even with tolerance.
(2) Payment Date is between 01/16/03 and 01/17/03 (Scenarios 4-9)
Remaining Amount per
Normal Application Rules

(1) If payment falls in these ranges, all application entries can be closed with or without tolerance.
(2) If payment falls in these ranges, all application entries cannot be closed even with tolerance.
(3) Payment Date is between 01/18/03 and 01/20/03 (Scenarios 10-21)
Remaining Amount per
Normal Application Rules

(1) If payment falls in these ranges, all application entries can be closed with or without tolerance.
(2) If payment falls in these ranges, all application entries cannot be closed even with tolerance.
(4) Payment Date is between 01/21/03 and 01/22/03 (Scenarios 22-27)
Remaining Amount per
Normal Application Rules

(1) If payment falls in these ranges, all application entries can be closed with or without tolerance.
(2) If payment falls in these ranges, all application entries cannot be closed even with tolerance.
(5) Payment Date is after 01/22/03 (Scenarios 28-30)
Remaining Amount per
Normal Application Rules

(1) If payment falls in these ranges, all application entries can be closed with or without tolerance.
(2) If payment falls in these ranges, all application entries cannot be closed even with tolerance.